Eating in Mallorca Island 🍒

Now, Food! and more importantly, DRINKS! We went to a high end Michelin star restaurant to local tapas places and if you want to, very instragramable brunch place so I think this will help you with any and every mood you have while in Mallorca  (You should do everything though, just saying.)

Marc Fosh/マヨルカ島でミシュランレストランへ

Marc Fosh has a Michelin star and I would have never imagined myself going to a high end restaurant while I'm traveling because that's not my style, but since my friends are boogie as hell, why not?!  BUT, I had the worst cold while I was in Mallorca, and I legitimately could not taste ANYTHING! Like, I almost said I won't go, just because why would I want to go to a Michelin star restaurant when I can't taste anything... but also, would I ever eat at a restaurant on an island so good ever in my life time? maybe not, but again why would I torture myself like that? I really don't know. lol

The bar is so so cute. 

Our table was the best thing ever. We had a private room just like the boogie people we are. 

 Just a couple of photos of the food, 'cus you know me... It's endless with food pics.

The fact that I literally could not taste anything... really really killed me... but I mean... I knew by heart it was the best thing I have ever had.
As for the price, it was only about 130Euros per person. If you go to a Michelin star restaurant in Japan, it will be easily double that price, so I wasn't mad at all. (Even though I couldn't taste a thing.)

 Cassai Mallorca/映える写真撮りたいならここで

Definitely check their Instragram because you got some competition!  We went here on our second day for brunch before we hit the beach. It's a little far out of the city center, but the area has a lot of cute antique shops to scout out as well. 

Literally ordered way too much food

The biggest Paella I have ever seen in my life. 

Inside the cafe doesn't have a roof so it feels very nice.
muy cute <3 
I mean if you are in Spain, you gotta get that ham and olives!!

There are a lot of cute antique shops around, but be careful! In Spain, there is a culture called "siesta time", which means nothing is open from 2-5 pm. lol So if you miss it, you basically are fucked. lol 

Anima Beach Palma/ サンセットが見れる音楽ワイワイバー

 Anima beach is great if you want some great sunset photos with the crew.But I have to say, the food is ok. It's not a Michelin star restaurant but it's ok. The drinks are very good! They give you the BIGGEST glasses and shots of drinks so you'll get lit anywhere anytime <3 If that's on your agenda. 

Sangriaa in the sunset

Sangriaa and  tabacoo <3

A hidden gem. ABACO/ 本当の意味での隠れ家

This place had the most INSANE concept ever. I have never been to such a random and full entertainment from the bathrooms to the drinks. I couldn't take a photo of the menu but each drink had its own character and look how cute all the drinks are! This place was somehow super strict with photos so I couldn't take a good photo inside but the whole bar was HUGE it literally reminds you of a castle you see in those god damn Disney movies. People there were boogie as hell as well. I'm not over exaggerating, there were birds, a bunch of fruit just lying around everywhere, silver wear, fancy chandelier and maybe even a naked women we just didn't see but I swear it was THAT Extra. They were even playing full on classical dramatic AS FUCK music just to make everyone intense for no reason! But if you are wondering around needing to have an extra as fuck night, please go here. It's truly insane. 
The drinks are huge and so cute!! 


Like who the fuck will go in this intense door? Also I stole their apple.
Don't worry. They had more than enough. 

 Cafe La Lonja/ ザ!スペインなタパスをどうぞ

I've showed you an ok place, Michelin star restaurant, regal as fuck bar but haven't showed you much of tapas! So here is the last place some of us decided to eat for our last night for dinner. It's a very small. A place to dial down from the crazy nights we had, and enjoy some good wine and tapas. 

Small dining table flowers are the best. 
I've had so much to drink during this trip, which I feel like was mandatory...cus... Spain?

If you guys want any other requests, please drop that beautiful comment and let me know you read it! 


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